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Maldon & Maldon (M&M) provides the following business solutions. Special services may be requested with fair notice.

  1. Booking: M&M will confirm events on your behalf based on your schedule.

  2. Scheduling: Organization of all events; coordinating daily planning.

  3. Promotion: Advertising events, individuals, or products.

  4. Product Development: M&M will develop, produce, and distribute a product, promotional or otherwise, requested by the client. Licensing and related matters are taken care of by our legal staff.

  5. Event Coordination: Confirming, providing materials for, and organizing events. This includes if a client wants to take part in a specific event.

  6. Personal Assistants: M&M can provide personal assistants on a permanent or temporary basis. Our assistants must pass a rigorous screening process and are leaders within their respective industries.
  7. Website Management: Creating, editing, and maintaining a webpage dedicated to our client’s needs. Business, corporate, entertainment, and virtually any other web layout is available.

  8. Accounting: Inventory and other financial matters are handled by our team of certified accountants, removing a majority of paperwork from your business.

  9. Legal Assistance: Handling of licensing and other legal matters.

  10. Social Media Managment Services.

  11. Business Consulting, Business Coach.

  12. Public Speaking, Workshops, Trainings, and Seminars.

  13. Meeting space: M&M has a state-of-the art conference room available for short term use.
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Copyright © 2012 Maldon Management. All rights reserved.
Maldon Management, LLC.
Email: info@MaldonManagement.com
Phone: 301-736-3333